So I spent all morning trying to figure out how to get the bike back to Georgia. I could ship it and fly back to GA, but it could be days before a company could pick it up and I had no where to store it. I could rent a pickup truck or cargo van and load it in the back, but no rental car businesses allow one way rentals on pickup trucks or cargo vans. I could rent a small trailer to tow the motorcycle with, but none of the rental SUVs have trailer hitches. My only other options were find a friend relatively close by and leave it with them for a shipping company to pick up or rent a small box truck and haul the bike back in the truck. I decided that after spending all morning making phone calls and getting frustrated with the dead ends, that I would just go ahead and rent a box truck and continue on my road trip back to GA with my bike. UHaul was quoting me an INSANE amount of money for a 10 foot truck, but Penske cut their price in half for a 16 foot truck to go from Yuma, AZ to Atlanta. My only concern with the box truck is that I won't be able to load the bike by myself.
I called Blake to discuss my options and he mentioned that when he got his tow from AAA, they loaded the bike from one town truck to the other via the beds of the truck and that sparked an idea. I asked Blake if they could load the motorcycle into the back of my box truck direct from the bed and he said they probably could as long as I got one of the higher box truck decks. I know that Penske has higher decks as UHaul prides itself on it's lower decks. I decided to call AAA to have them tow me to the Penske in Yuma and to help me load the bike into my truck. Thank goodness everything worked out perfectly as my truck driver helped me load the bike directly from the deck of his truck. We got the bike all tied down in the box truck (it looks like a spiderweb in there, I may have gone overboard with the tie downs, but I wasn't going to let that bike fall over) and I got on the road.
I decided to only go a few hours down the road as I was pretty tired. It was a good thing I rented the truck as I couldn't imagine riding the motorcycle as tired as I was. Blake was nice enough to find a hotel in Tucson for me to stay at and I pulled in around 6:30pm. I checked into my hotel room and then I did a load of laundry as I only packed enough clothes for about 4 days before I had to rewear something... and it's been 6 days since I left Atlanta. ewwww lol Now I have clean clothes, I'm caught up on my blogs. I am no longer doing an adventure ON my RX3, but I'm having an adventure WITH my RX3. Oh, and I ordered way too much chinese food delivery for dinner and only ate about a third of it. I didn't have lunch today so my eyes were much larger than my stomach. It was good, though!
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